Friday, May 15, 2009


So much has been happening in my life lately as a direct result of having Lyme. So many people have told me that they think I'm being incredibly optimistic. I guess I just see it as my only choice. Of course I would rather not be dealing with all of this, but the reality is that I AM. I want to be able to get through this in the best way possible, and seeing the good things in my life throughout the process. I'm trying to be open to all the changes and embrace what's going on, so that I can move forward to the NEXT phase of my life once things have calmed down and returned to normal (or something like it.)

I went back to Seattle two weeks ago, and I've gotten new prescriptions. Right now, I'm taking the same antibiotics, (Doxycyclene, Plaquenil & Biaxin) but we added in Cortex (which stimulates the adrenals -- hopefully giving me a temporary boost of energy) and a lovely anti-malarial suspension called Mepron. It's as thick as tempra paint, and bright yellow. Very doctor thinks that by adding in the Mepron right now, we can address the two different strains of Babesia, which is probably adding to my extreme fatigue. I'm on pediatric doses of all of the above, because my doctor says I'm "so small," which I interpret to mean SHORT...hahaha. Also, we don't want to overdo the meds and make me sicker than what I have to be!

I had an incredible burst of energy two days ago, where I was up first thing in the morning, created a budget, (my new retirement budget, heehee) cleaned my kitchen, rearranged some things in my living room, packed some boxes and made a pot roast. This was amazing, because most of the time it's all I can do to get up and do one or two quick things around the house in the entire day. I've learned, though, that when I'm feeling good, I need to take advantage of it! I've also learned not to overdo it, because sometimes I pay for all that extra energy over the next two days as my body protests over the exertion my muscles aren't used to.

Speaking of muscles, I'm in the middle of reorganizing my house, (with the help of some wonderful friends) and I'm changing my dining room into my personal gym. I'm hoping to be able to start using my treadmill again, maybe only 3 to 5 minutes a day at first, but something will be better than nothing. I'm also going to try to do some really light weight training, which hopefully will help a little bit with my muscle weakness over time. One of the most frustrating things in all of this, is that I just haven't been able to get things done the way I used to. I'm learning to rely on others for help, and I'm also learning how to let go and let things get done when they get done. It's hard though, because things seem so crazy right now! Patience, patience, patience...

Overall, I'm feeling optimistic about everything, and I've been thinking about specific goals that I want to set over the next three months so that I have something to look forward to as I start feeling better. I want to go visit my friend in South Carolina, and I'm thinking about a couple classes I would love to take if I can figure out how to do it...I would love to take the Wilton Professional Cakes class at their school in Chicago...I know it sounds crazy, but I love doing cakes. The class is only 9 days, so if I really do get feeling better (and my hands get better) in the next couple of months, I might do that before I go back to work.

Before I started SkinScience, I had wanted to get much more involved in the medical side of our industry, and I think in a few months, (when I am feeling better) it might be fun to start back into things by maybe working part time at a medical spa or with a physician. I have worked with a plastic surgeon in the past, and it might be fun to get back into that at some point. We'll see. I'm going to stay focused on future options and possibilities, and take advantage of the next six months as a time to figure all of that out. I feel blessed and grateful for where I am in my life, and that Heavenly Father is taking care of me, and has made allowances for everything that's going on right now.

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