Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can I Complain?

So today I ventured out of my house for the first time since I got back from my trip to Dr. Seattle, except a really quick trip to the pharmacy to fill my prescriptions. Right now, I am still dealing with pretty bad fatigue, muscle aches and painful joints, (especially my hands & knees.) As a result, I have two speeds right now: slow and slower. 

Since I was almost out of groceries, this afternoon I decided to make a trip to Costco, list in hand, in an effort to be as quick as possible. Why Costco you ask? Not exactly a quick stop, ever. Yes, but they have a large selection of Gluten-free and organic stuff, along with great produce, and all for pretty great prices. Anyway, so I decided to brave the huge warehouse grocery store around 2pm, trying to avoid the crazy crowds. 

So there I am, gimpy little me, trying to push a huge cart around. This is the worst part of grocery shopping for me right now. It just makes me really, really tired. Anyway, at Costco I usually do a loop around the store, grabbing things from my list. After I was about half way around, with several items in my cart, all of a sudden the wheels on the cart totally locked up, and I was struggling to push the cart. Let me be clear here: I had already been struggling to push the cart around, now it was all I could do to get it to budge. I tried to figure out what the problem was, but I couldn't see anything...so, already really slow behind a shopping cart, I became even slower.

I was exhausted, too tired to go back and find a new cart, but exerting too much energy trying to push a cart that wasn't cooperating. It was also obvious that I was ticking off fellow shoppers with my snail-like speed. It's a horrible feeling when you are literally not able to do something, and instead of trying to be helpful, other people get mad at you. I was on the verge of tears, and ready to leave without my groceries, when miraculously whatever had caused the wheels to lock up immediately went away. I dunno. So I hurried, (as fast as I could) to get the last few items and get out of there. 

As I was trying to push the cart out to my car, there were two more incidents of people being rude because I was being slow. I really hope that these people had good reasons for their obvious and seemingly disproportionate frustration, like a family member in the ICU, or perhaps a wife in labor? I know I'm slow, and it's frustrating to me. But can't people be a little bit patient? 

After my humiliating shopping trip, I've recommitted myself to being nice to people. I know I don't necessarily look sick. I'm sure this adds to people's frustration with my slow and slower speeds...but you just really don't know what's going on with anyone. I'm realizing that I have the opportunity right now to learn all kinds of lessons about patience, compassion and understanding. I'm trying to remember them, and hopefully in the future I will remember that when I'm in a hurry at the grocery store. 


  1. Candy, Gosh I wish I lived closer so I could have just gone to Costco for you or at least WITH you! You can come stay with me whenever you can get away...we'd love to have you!!

  2. Candy....I would be more than happy to do your shopping. I really don't live that far away and it is something I already do with the kids...so it isn't a big deal. Please let me help you in any way I can!
    Love ya!!
