This Thursday I will add Biaxin twice a day into my routine, and then I will add twice daily Plaquenil into the mix seven days after that. When I've completed this initial "ease-in" period, I'll be taking doxy, Biaxin & Plaquenil twice daily all at the same time, in addition to about 40 other pills (mostly supplements like probiotics, etc.) hourly throughout the day. I'm excited for the continued energy, and at the same time a little nervous about possible side effects. I'm learning to take one day at a time and appreciate the days when I feel good. The last few days have been great for helping me to see that there's light at the end of the tunnel, and that I really can feel good again. I can't even hardly stand to wait!!
* * * * * * * * * * Information * Advocacy * Awareness * Support * * * * * * * * * * Because Prevention is much Easier than Treatment
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Antibiotic Update
Ok, I've been taking antibiotics now for 12 days, so here's a quick update. To begin with, I was taking one dose of doxycyclene in the morning. I was pretty sick, with more fatigue and muscle aches than usual, and even the same abdominal pain that I was having last fall. The abdominal pain lasted for 3 or 4 days, but the fatigue and muscle aches were pretty consistent for the first seven days. On the eighth day, I added in a second evening dose of the doxycyclene, so now I'm taking it twice a day. That was last Thursday, March 12th. I noticed an almost immediate (literally the next morning) burst of energy. When I say "burst" I really do mean it. All weekend I felt like I had almost endless amounts of energy, especially in comparison to how I've felt over the last 5 or 6 months. My joint pain, muscle aches and weakness have continued, but it sure is great to have the energy to get up and do things that I need to do.
Candice: I'm so glad you let me into your blog. I knew you were having health problems from your comments but not sure what it was. I was worried about you. THank goodness they finally figured it out. We will be praying for your good health to return. I think you have through enough.